Posts 生成式AI的崛起02:在ChatGPT里怎么用好提示语


Maximizing the Use of Prompts for AI Language Models

Prompt(提示语), in the context of artificial intelligence and natural language processing, refers to a piece of text or a question that is used to initiate a conversation or generate a response from an AI language model. The goal of using prompts is to give the AI model a starting point for generating text that is relevant to the user’s needs or interests.

Prompt Engineering

The approach of designing optimal prompts to instruct the model to perform a task is what’s referred to as Prompt Engineering.

A standard prompt is a QA format:

> <Question> ? 
> <Answer>
> <Question> ?
> <Answer> 

Besides that, there’s another option called few-shot prompt by provide exemplars (i.e., demonstrations). Few-shot prompts enable in-context learning which is the ability of language models to learn tasks given a few demonstrations.

Elements of Prompt

A prompt can contain any of the following components:

Instruction - a specific task or instruction you want the model to perform

Context - can involve external information or additional context that can steer the model to better responses

Input Data - is the input or question that we are interested to find a response for

Output Indicator - indicates the type or format of the output.

To give a good prompt, the easiest way is to give start simple. You can start giving simple prompts at the beginning and then add more elements and context as you aim for better results.

Then you can design effective prompts for various simple tasks by using commands to instruct the model what you want to achieve such as “Write”, “Classify”, “Summarize”, “Translate”, “Order”, etc. Usually, the more specific and relevant the context is to the task you are trying to perform, the better.



Extract the name of places in the following text.
Desired format:
Place: <comma_separated_list_of_company_names>
Input: "Although these developments are encouraging to researchers, much is still a mystery. “We often have a black box between the brain and the effect we see in the periphery,” says Henrique Veiga-Fernandes, a neuroimmunologist at the Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown in Lisbon. “If we want to use it in the therapeutic context, we actually need to understand the mechanism.""


Place: Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown, Lisbon

Here are some examples of good and bad prompts:

Good prompts:

“Can you recommend a good book on artificial intelligence?” “What are some tips for improving my writing skills?” “Tell me a joke about cats.”

Bad prompts:

“Hello, how are you?” “What do you think about the weather today?” “Can you write me a poem about bananas?” As you can see, good prompts are specific and relevant to the user’s interests or needs, while bad prompts are too general or unrelated to the task at hand.

Now, let’s talk about the ChatGPT Prompt Plus Chrome extension. This extension allows you to apply different roles to the ChatGPT language model, such as “professional” or “poet”, and then provide feedback based on the text generated by the model.

This is a great tool for improving writing skills, as it allows you to experiment with different prompts and see how the AI model responds. By using specific and relevant prompts, you can get more accurate and useful feedback from the ChatGPT language model, and improve your writing skills over time.

In your blog post, you can provide tips for using the ChatGPT Prompt Plus extension, such as selecting relevant roles, using specific and relevant prompts, and providing clear and constructive feedback to the model. You can also share some examples of how the extension has helped you improve your own writing skills.

ChatGPT Prompt Plus是一个Chrome扩展程序,可以为ChatGPT语言模型应用不同的角色,例如“专业人士”或“诗人”,并根据模型生成的文本提供反馈。这是一个提高写作技能的好工具,因为它允许您尝试不同的提示,并查看AI模型的响应。通过使用特定和相关的提示,您可以从ChatGPT语言模型获得更准确和有用的反馈,并随着时间的推移提高自己的写作技能。您可以在博客文章中提供使用ChatGPT Prompt Plus扩展的提示,例如选择相关角色,使用特定和相关的提示,并向模型提供清晰和建设性的反馈。您还可以分享一些例子,说明该扩展程序如何帮助您提高自己的写作技能。


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