Posts 重温 Elon Musk 在 2023年 DealBook 峰会上的采访

重温 Elon Musk 在 2023年 DealBook 峰会上的采访


DealBook Summit,是由《纽约时报》主办的每年一次的高端峰会,每年都会邀请在商业、政治、文化等各个领域的领袖参与讨论当前世界最为关注的问题。峰会期间,会举行各种的讨论、采访以及主题演讲,内容也会涉及技术、财经、政治和持续性等等话题。

2023年的 DealBook 峰会,会聚了Elon Musk、黄仁勋等一众大佬。油管上有分别对他们两人的采访,但对比之下还是更加喜欢火星人的这场。 所以就节选了几段做个记录。 马斯克这么多年来对于人类社会、对于创新、对于 AI 都是保持一样的洞见,无论是在什么场合。 光是这点,已经让人非常钦佩。

Question: You said my mind is a storm, I don’t think most people would want to be me. They may think they want ot be me, but they dont know, they dont understand. What do you mean by that “storm”?

Elon: … my mind is often feels like a very Wild Storm. I have a thousand of ideas…. Innovation is not a problem, execution is a problem. … I’ve got a million ideas, I’ve got an entire design for an electric supersonic vertical off-jet, but I just can’t do that.

Host: Is that a Happy Storm?

Elon: [Pause for few seconds] It was really like a psychiatrist catch. I think to some degree I was born this way and then it was amplified by a difficult childhood frankly. But I can remember even in the happy moments when I was a kid, it just feel like a rage of forces in my mind constantly, productively manifests itself in technology and building things for the most part.



马斯克:我的脑子经常感觉像暴风雨一样,会有很多想法冒出来,就像一千只蜜蜂在嗡嗡叫…… 想出新点子很简单,难的是把它们变成现实。我有很多想法,比如说我设计了一款超音速垂直起降的电动飞机,但那只是个想法,没办法实现。



Host: What is driving all of this you’re doing? Do you think you would be successful? Whatever success is. I think there’s something you’re trying to prove, either yourself or to somebody

Elon: I would describe my philosophy is philosophy of curiosity. I did have this existential crisis when I was around 12 about that’s the meaning of life, isn’t it all pointless? Why not just commit suicide? why exist? I read the religious texts, I read the philosophy books. Then I read Douglas Adams Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, which is a book on philosophy in the form of humor. Adams point is we dont actually know what questions to ask. …I think that’s generally true also in physics at the point of which you properly frame the question, the answer is actually the easy part.



马斯克:我的人生哲学可以用“好奇心”来概括吧。我十二岁左右的时候曾经迷茫过,觉得人生没什么意义,一切都很无趣,活着干嘛呢?自杀算了呗。于是我就去读宗教经书、哲学书,各种各样的都读了个遍。后来我读到了道格拉斯·亚当斯写的《银河系漫游指南》,这本小说其实是用幽默的方式讲哲学的。亚当斯说,其实我们都不知道该问什么问题!… 我觉得这在物理学上也一样,只要你问对了问题,找到答案其实就简单多了。

My life is really a flash in the pan on a galactic time scale. If we can expand the scope and scale of consciousness, then we are better able to figure out what questions to ask about the answer, that is the universe. and maybe we can find out the meaning of life or even what the right question to ask is.

where do we come from? where are we going? where are the aliens?

If we are single planet civilization, we are waiting for some extinction event whether that is man-made or natural.


马斯克: 对宇宙来说,我们人类就像夜空中一闪而逝的火花。如果我们能扩大意识的范围和层次,就更有可能搞懂该向这个宇宙(这个谜题)提出什么样的问题。也许这样,我们就能找到生命的意义,甚至找到该问的“正确问题”。



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