是德国挑起的一战吗? 不能说是,而是几个大国共同的责任。
Prompt: Which country started World War I ?
The outbreak of World War I is typically traced back to the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary by a Bosnian-Serb nationalist in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, on June 28, 1914. This event set off a chain of events that eventually led to the declaration of war between the Central Powers, led by Germany and Austria-Hungary, and the Allied Powers, led by France, Russia, and the United Kingdom.
However, it is worth noting that the causes of World War I were complex and multi-faceted, and cannot be solely attributed to a single event or country. Long-term factors such as nationalism, imperialism, and military alliances, as well as short-term factors such as a breakdown in diplomacy, also played a role in the outbreak of the war.
1914年,奥匈皇储在萨拉热窝被塞尔维亚民族主义者刺杀,成为一战导火索,从暗杀到大战爆发的一个月被成为七月危机。然后,被他刺杀的奥匈皇储,实际上是奥匈高层最主张给境内斯拉夫人平等地位的,也是最主要的反战派。 于是奥匈主战派摆脱约束,指控塞尔维亚幕后策划暗杀,发起战争
奥匈大塞尔维亚,塞的后台俄国就回去打奥匈,所以德国就要参战,德国支持奥匈,所以俄国打德国,而德国只有一个计划 – 施利芬计划,无论仗从哪里开始,都要先摧毁法国。
经过一战四年的战术死磕,德意志帝国最终崩溃,迎来了一个风雨飘摇的共和国 — 魏玛共和国
- 德意志帝国
- 魏玛共和国
- NZ德国 (第三帝国)
- 东西德分裂
- 重新统一的联邦德国
- 右派觉得软弱
- 左派觉得反动
- 后来的人觉得它要为NZ上台负责
一战打了四年再也打不下去了, 1918年11月德国爆发革命,皇帝退位。中间派牵头组织政府,1919年正式成立共和国,因为新的宪法是在德国小城魏玛制定的,所以也叫魏玛共和国。
- 在战败和革命的背景下匆忙成立
- 政治力量是中间派,左右两派都攻击
- 《凡尔赛条约》对德国非常苛刻,所有的海外殖民地被战胜国瓜分,割地赔款。在德国人看来,《凡尔赛条约》就是一个丧权辱国的卖国条约。
- 最后停火的时候战线都在别的国家,战场上没失败
- 1923年 德国恶性通货膨胀
- 1929年 美国股市崩盘开始的大萧条
ChatGPT: The Weimar Republic lasted only a relatively short time, from 1919 to 1933, due to a number of factors. Some of the main reasons include:
Economic instability: The Weimar Republic inherited a devastated economy after World War I, with high inflation, widespread poverty, and widespread unemployment.
Political instability: The Weimar Republic was plagued by political instability, with frequent changes of government, which made it difficult to implement reforms and build a stable government.
Weaknesses in the Constitution: The Weimar Constitution was seen as weak by many, as it failed to establish a clear system of government or provide a strong central authority, leaving Germany in a state of political fragmentation.
The rise of extremist groups: The Weimar Republic was marked by the rise of extremist groups, such as the Nazis, who opposed democracy and the Weimar government.
Lack of support from other countries: The Weimar Republic was also hampered by a lack of support from other countries, especially France and Britain, who imposed harsh peace terms on Germany after World War I.
All of these factors contributed to the decline of the Weimar Republic and the rise of Nazi Germany.
- 维护国家统一
- 解决就业问题
- NZ党只用了12年时间,从刚成立的几十个人变成德国国会第一大党
- 凡尔赛条约对德国苛刻,德国人心里积压仇恨,加上魏玛共和国不是一个强有力的监护人,德国国家主义传统有非常强大。
- 国家越动荡,NZ党对民众的吸引力就越大
Hitler 为什么能蛊惑国人?因为抓住了德国人的痛点
- 复仇,废除《凡尔赛和约》
- 反犹
- 一方面德国和其他有些欧洲国家一样有反犹主义的根子,主要来源于基督教和犹太教的矛盾
- 德国中产阶级遭遇通胀和大萧条,从而对金融资本产生了很大的恐惧和仇恨,而犹太人在金融界又那么出名
- 德国中上层恐惧共产主义,而德国的共产主义革命的领导人中,好几个都是犹太人
Prompt: Why Adolf Hitler got support from Germans? ChatGPT: Adolf Hitler was able to gain support from many Germans for several reasons:
Economic conditions: Germany was facing significant economic challenges in the aftermath of World War I, including high unemployment and inflation. Hitler promised to restore prosperity and national pride, which resonated with many Germans who were struggling financially.
Political instability: The Weimar Republic was weakened by political infighting and instability, and many Germans were frustrated with the government and the Treaty of Versailles. Hitler offered a clear and simple solution to these problems and promised to restore order and stability.
Propaganda: The Nazi Party was skilled at using propaganda to spread their ideas and promote Hitler as a charismatic leader. The media, including newspapers, radio, and film, were all controlled by the party and used to manipulate public opinion.
Nationalism: Hitler was able to tap into a deep sense of nationalism and feelings of resentment among Germans who felt that their country had been humiliated and mistreated after World War I. He promised to restore German pride and reclaim the country’s place as a world power.
Fear: The Nazi regime used violence, intimidation, and propaganda to control the population and suppress dissent. People who spoke out against the government were often arrested, imprisoned, or killed, which helped to create a climate of fear and silence any opposition.
- 国会的立法职能交给政府内阁,实际上国会就没有了
- 政府内阁必要时可以背离宪法,实际上宪法也没有了
- “消灭失业” - 推出大规模的公共基建项目,特别是全国高速公路网建设
- “婚姻贷款”
国家的钱从哪里来? 沙赫特协定 – 进原料,出口成品; 财政赤字; 掠夺犹太人财富
- “水晶之夜” - 实际上是全国性的破坏、抢劫犹太教堂和犹太人的店铺和家庭,因为到处都是砸破的玻璃,所以叫做”水晶之夜”。之后NZ政府直接没收犹太人的财产。
ChatGPT: The Nazi Party, led by Adolf Hitler, came to power in Germany in 1933, and they were able to create the appearance of an “economic miracle” in the country during the 1930s. Here are some factors that contributed to this illusion of prosperity:
Public Works Projects: The Nazi government invested heavily in public works projects, such as highways, bridges, and buildings, which created jobs and boosted the construction industry.
Military spending: The Nazi regime increased military spending, which created jobs in the armaments industry and helped to stimulate the economy.
Full Employment: Hitler made full employment a top priority, and he implemented policies that helped to reduce unemployment. For example, he created government-sponsored programs to provide work for the unemployed, such as the Reich Labor Service.
Price controls: The Nazi government implemented strict price controls, which kept the cost of living low and helped to improve the standard of living for many Germans.
Credit expansion: The Nazi regime also expanded credit, which allowed for increased spending and investment in the economy.
It’s important to note that the Nazi regime’s policies were not sustainable and were based on a number of false assumptions. The military buildup and the eventual outbreak of World War II placed a heavy strain on the economy, and by the end of the war, Germany was left in ruins. The so-called “economic miracle” was short-lived and came at a great cost to the German people and the world.
德军人数没有对手多,武器装备也不占优势,先进的坦克都是战争后期才出来,而且产量一直没上去,为什么德军伤亡少,那么能打?答案之一是因为德国人军事思想先进,创造性的把坦克、装甲车集中使用,搞出一种新的作战模式 – 闪电战。但这个原因没法解释德国转入防御之后的优胜。德军之所以在二战如此强悍,得益于系统效能。
- 人与人之间的关系 - 官兵一致;战场上军官身先士卒
- 重新强化德国军事传统。 委托式指挥。交代下级只讲目标,不讲方式,充分放权
- 战法上的改变 《闪电战的根源》 by James Corum
ChatGPT: There were several factors that contributed to the strength of the German military during World War II:
Doctrine: The German military had a well-defined doctrine that emphasized the importance of mobility, flexibility, and the use of combined arms. This doctrine, known as Blitzkrieg, allowed the German military to rapidly overcome its enemies and capture territory quickly.
Training: The German military was well-trained, and its soldiers were known for their discipline and tactical proficiency. The German military also placed a strong emphasis on physical fitness and marksmanship, which gave its soldiers a significant advantage in combat.
Equipment: The German military was equipped with some of the most advanced weapons and equipment of the time, including tanks, aircraft, and artillery. The quality of these weapons was often superior to those of the German’s enemies, and they gave the German military a significant advantage on the battlefield.
Leadership: The German military was led by experienced and competent officers, many of whom had served in World War I. These leaders were able to effectively plan and execute complex military operations, and they were able to inspire their troops and maintain high morale.
Strategic planning: The German military made effective use of intelligence and strategic planning, and it was often able to surprise its enemies and achieve rapid victories. The German military was also able to effectively coordinate its various branches, including the army, air force, and navy, to achieve its objectives.
Overall, these factors helped to make the German military one of the most powerful and effective fighting forces of World War II. However, it’s important to note that the German military eventually suffered defeat, and the war took a heavy toll on the country and its people.
二战后,德国被四国瓜分,分别是美苏英法。东西方冷战,首要目标是不能让德国落入对方手中,一个统一的德国,会瞬间改变东西方两大阵营的力量对比。从美苏角度来说,这是个巨大的风险。无论从德国的潜力和地理位置来说,都决定了它不能统一,只能分裂。 但分裂成多个小国不符合美苏对抗的考虑,因为德国的那部分实力对两边来说都是重要的增量。确保自己手里的那部分德国尽可能是一个整体。
Konrad Adenauer was a German statesman and politician who made a significant contribution to the rebuilding of Germany after World War II. He served as the first Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany) from 1949 to 1963.
Adenauer’s contributions to Germany can be summarized as follows:
Leadership: Adenauer provided strong and decisive leadership during a critical period in German history, and he helped to restore the country’s confidence and stability after the war.
Economic recovery: Adenauer played a key role in the economic recovery of West Germany, which became known as the “economic miracle”. He implemented reforms that helped to revive the country’s economy and create jobs, and he worked to attract foreign investment and promote economic growth.
Political stability: Adenauer helped to establish a stable, democratic government in West Germany, and he worked to ensure that the country’s political institutions were solid and effective. He also helped to create a constitution that guaranteed civil liberties and human rights.
International relations: Adenauer was a strong advocate for German reunification, and he worked to improve the country’s relationship with its neighbors and the international community. He was instrumental in establishing the country’s membership in the European Economic Community, which later became the European Union.
National reconciliation: Adenauer played a key role in promoting national reconciliation and healing the wounds of the war. He worked to improve relations between Germans and their former enemies, and he helped to lay the foundation for a peaceful and stable Europe.
Overall, Konrad Adenauer’s contributions to Germany were significant, and he is widely regarded as one of the country’s greatest leaders. He helped to restore the country’s pride, prosperity, and stability after the war, and he played a key role in the development of modern Germany.